Biking and Pedestrian Trails

The Blaine-Birch Bay Park & Recreation District 2 (BBBPRD2) is responsible for providing recreational opportunities in the northwest portion of Whatcom County covering the Blaine-Birch Bay area. In support of its mission, BBBPRD2 collaborated with Fehr & Peers to identify and prioritize feasible concepts to create safe, connected active transportation networks along the roads within the district boundaries. The project identified strategies to improve safe walking and biking access to public transit and popular destinations. Candidate projects were first evaluated against a set of criteria evaluating the non-motorized access benefits. Based on the non-motorized access analysis along with a cost and feasibility review, a list of priority projects was selected to potentially advance through future planning and funding phases.

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    ADDRESS: 7511 Gemini St | Blaine, WA | 98230